R-15.1, r. 1.3 - Regulation respecting the funding of defined-benefit pension plans of the municipal and university sectors

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72. If there is a balance of actuarial gains after the transfer provided for in section 37 and the balance exceeds the total of the value of the amortization payments that would remain to be paid in relation to the technical actuarial deficiency determined during the last complete actuarial valuation of the plan, the surplus may be used to reduce the amortization payments remaining to be paid in relation to any improvement unfunded actuarial liability.
The reduction is made by appropriating the surplus determined in the first paragraph to the reduction of the monthly payments remaining to be paid on the later date. It ceases where the residual surplus does not eliminate all the monthly payments remaining to be paid on a given date.
O.C. 46-2024, s. 72.
In force: 2024-02-22
72. If there is a balance of actuarial gains after the transfer provided for in section 37 and the balance exceeds the total of the value of the amortization payments that would remain to be paid in relation to the technical actuarial deficiency determined during the last complete actuarial valuation of the plan, the surplus may be used to reduce the amortization payments remaining to be paid in relation to any improvement unfunded actuarial liability.
The reduction is made by appropriating the surplus determined in the first paragraph to the reduction of the monthly payments remaining to be paid on the later date. It ceases where the residual surplus does not eliminate all the monthly payments remaining to be paid on a given date.
O.C. 46-2024, s. 72.